Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Desperate to lose weight

Desperate to lose weight.

Desperate to lose weight successfully.

Tips for desperate to lose weight.

Weight loss should occur when you eat fewer calories than you burn. Increasing physical activity while limiting your calories will increase your rate of weight loss. Increasing physical activity will also help you to maintain your weight after weight loss. Discuss appropriate calorie levels and serving sizes with your dietitian.
Desperate to lose weight Tips for losing weight:
  1. Keep a written food and physical activities chart for special things.
  2. once per week check your weight at the same time of day, with the same amount of clothing, and on the same scale.
  3. Take your breakfast regularly everyday and don't leave your meals. Leaving meals can lead to severe hunger, overeating and low food choices.
  4. Make a plan for your meals and eat meals at the same time every day.
  5. Pick a proper eating area at home and/or work and always use this place.
  6. Don't eat meals and snacks in front of TV and/or computer, it leads to eating more.
  7. Eat gradually and slowly. Take 30 minutes for eating a meal. It takes 20 minutes before you feel full, so wait 20 minutes after your first plate before taking a second plate.
  8. Eat protein foods first to help you feel fullness instantly.
  9. Before eating read food labels to help check portions of food.
  10. Reduce the fat and sugar. Eat more fiber, including fresh fruits/vegetables and whole cereal(grains).
  11. Reduce restaurant and fast food meals.
  12. Don’t keep complication or problem foods in your house and/or at work place. A problem food is a food that you are likely to eat too many or too often if easily or readily available.
  13. Drink at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of liquids each day. Focus on calorie-free, caffeine-free drinks.
  14. Get sufficient sleep each night (7-9 hours).
Desperate to lose weight

Sleeping time chart
Sleeping time(hours) for
Age(years) Men Women
15-19 9.5 9.7
20-24 8.8 9.3
25-34 8.5 8.9
35-44 8.3 8.7
45-54 8.3 8.4
55-65 8.3 8.5
65+ 8.7 8.8
Food Preparation guidelines that helpful for desperate to lose weight.

desperate to lose weight
  • Always use low fat cooking techniques such as baking, grilling, boiling, poaching, sweltering, roasting, steaming or microwaving without additional heavy fat.
  • Stay away or lesser frying foods.
  • During cooking place the meat on a rack for some time so the fat will drain off.
  • Remove skin from chicken before cooking the meal.
  • Before cooking don't forget to remove all visible fat from food (i.e. poultry,chicken and meat).
  • For cooking you should have to use non-stick cookwares or cooking sprays.
  • Avoid to eat whole egg just use the egg whites or alternative of egg.
  • Reduce the high fat items like hydrogenated oil, gravies, butter, fish oil, processed meat, cheese and whipped cream.
  • Don't use sugar for cooking. Use the replacement of sugar in sweet dishes.
Food chart for desperate to lose weight
Choose more often Choose less often or avoid
Egg whites or egg substitute
Whole-grain bread
Unsweetened cereal
Whole-grain pasta
Brown rice
Corn tortillas
Plain popcorn
Fresh fruits
Light nonfat fruit yogurt
Broth-based vegetable soups
Nonfat or lowfat (1%) milk
Ice cream / ice milk
Frozen yogurt
Vegetables in cream sauce
Potato salad
Buttered popcorn
High fat crackers
Fried eggs
Fried chicken
Fried fish


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